Young carers action day 2024 – Save the date!

Save The Date Wednesday 13th March 2024

A message from Vicky Morgan, Carers Trust Head of Young Carers and Young Adult Carers

Young Carers Action Day has become a firm fixture in the diaries of young carers, professionals working with young carers and the media. With this in mind, Carers Trust has decided to commit to holding Young Carers Action Day every year on the Wednesday that falls closest to the middle of March. The exact date may vary a little from year to year, but it will always be on the Wednesday closest to the middle of March. We hope this consistency will help everyone with their planning for the big day!

We appreciate that it is impossible for any national day such as YCAD to avoid clashing with other events, but in setting the date as we have, we have tried to avoid clashes so far as possible with other awareness days and other dates such as the Easter holidays and parliamentary recess.

Great! What’s the theme for YCAD 2024?

In recent years we have worked extensively with young and young adult carers to devise a theme for YCAD that is timely, relevant and makes sense to them.

It’s vital that the theme gives young and young adult carers a platform they can get behind and which enables them to campaign for the change they want to see.

So we are doing the same thing this year and consulting extensively with young and young adult carers. Conversations have already taken place at festivals in Scotland and England and we will continue to listen – including at the Wales festival next week, and develop a theme in the coming weeks.

Once the theme has been decided we will be back in touch in the autumn to give you more detail, as well as to update you on YCAD 2024 campaign materials that will be available to download from by Christmas this year.

So please keep your eyes peeled for further announcements and news. And if you have any questions, please email:

Best wishes.

Vicky Morgan

Head of Young Carers and Young Adult Carers, Carers Trust



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