Aged 5-17? Do you help look after Someone?
If you look after someone that could not manage without your help you may be a young carer.
young carer
Young Carer
Young Carer

We care for young carers

Often young people think that looking after a family member is normal or it’s just what they do, but if you do this regularly and someone depends on your help, you are probably a carer. Young carers are children and young people whose lives are affected by caring for someone at home. Although there are lots positives to caring it can also be hard, take up your time and affect how you think and feel in good and bad ways. It can also affect your school and social life.

What is a young Carer?

You may be a young carer if you support someone at home by helping them do any of the following because they can’t do it themselves due to needing care and support. Here are some examples of the type of tasks you may do as a young carer:


Our support for carers

Young Carers Assessments

To help, we will carry out an assessment first. This helps us to understand what life is like for you as a young carer and helps you to find out what support you can get and how to get it. During your assessment we look at:
  • Tasks you carry out at home and for the person, you care for
  • How caring affects your social life, your physical and emotional health and your access to education
  • What support is already in place for you
  • What other support is available for you and your family