Young Carers Action Day 2025 – Save the date!

young carers action day 2025 FI

What is young carers action day?

Young Carers Action Day is an annual event organised and led by Carers Trust. It is a day of raising awareness and supporting young carers, and we encourage as many organisations, communities, schools and individuals to take part and show your support for young carers!

Anyone can support Young Carers Action Day by posting on social media using #YoungCarersActionDay.

Taking place on Wednesday 12th March 2025, this year’s theme is “Give Me A Break”, focusing on the importance of young carers’ need for rest and respite. 

We have plenty of digital resources for you to share and use at your own events. Download them by clicking here.

Watch the videos below of young carers in Solihull, openly sharing with us their caring roles, the obstacles they face in education and their desire to rest and have fun, like all children and young people should be able to. 

what are our plans?

Food, Fun, Facepaint, Fur & Fantastical Feats!

In honour of this year’s theme, “Give Me A Break”, we are hosting a day of celebrating young carers with fun and rest! Thanks to tremendous funding of £750 from Carers Trust, we will be able to pull out all the stops and give young carers a day they will never forget! 

We can’t forget how important it is for young carers to be with other young people, and that will be at the forefront of the day, as they all get the chance to enjoy the wonders of youth – together!

They’ll be tonnes of food to build up lots of energy for the day of celebrating. We’re going to be treating our young carers with some of their favourite activities, including fun and vibrant face painting, the always exciting and educational animal man with his collection of feathered, furry, winged, and slithery friends! Then of course, we can’t forget the real magic of the day with a hilarious and mesmerising magician to astound and delight! Maybe they’ll work together with the animal man to pull more than a rabbit from a hat!

animal man owl

School Celebrations

We are encouraging schools to get involved and have their own celebrations and events for Young Carers Action Day!

It will be a fantastic way for young people in schools to come together and understand what support staff are available in their schools. To help with making the celebrations as fun-filled as possible, schools will be able to apply for £200 funding from us!

We have plenty of digital resources for you to download, which you can find by clicking here

All you have to do, if you’d like to apply for funding, is email us:

school young girls kids young carers YC cupcakes baking fun

Family Hubs

Family Hubs are local centres where children, young people, parents, and carers can access support and take part in fun activities!

Learn More by clicking here.

We are active users of the Family Hubs, and we want to make sure that every young person using Family Hubs is aware of the support available to them. Leading up to and beyond Young Carers Action Day, we will be pushing our information and how we can help young carers (and all carers).

School Forums

We will also be launching a forum for lead professionals for young carers in schools. Together, we will work together to achieve more understanding of and support for young carers in education. As well as collaborating and working towards school award scheme awards and other young carer initiatives.  

We are hoping for, and working towards, making these forums a vital link between schools and ourselves, so young carers are visible and receiving dedicated support from as many experienced and dedicated professionals as possible.


our celebrations


We will be sharing videos, pictures, and all the fun of the day here!

So make sure you come back after Young Carers Action Day 12th March 2025, to see it all!


Our Young Carers Action Day 2025 resources are available below. These resources are designed to help everyone get involved in Young Carers Action Day 2025 — young and young adult carers, their friends, professionals who may interact with young carers, and local carer organisations.

Check out the downloadable materials and get ready to support Young Carers Action Day 2025!

To raise awareness about who young carers are and why they need more support Storytelling guide
To help you tell really engaging stories that connect your audience to young carers.

Resources for local carer centres

To raise awareness about who young carers are and why they need more support Storytelling guide
To help you tell really engaging stories that connect your audience to young carers. Young Carers in Education Guide
To send to your contacts in schools, colleges or universities to help them better identify and support young and young adult carers.

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