What is a Carer’s Assessment? 

Carer’s Assessment

The Care Act 2014 makes carers assessments more widely available to people in caring roles. Local authorities now have a legal duty to assess any carer who requests one or who appears to need support. 

What is a Carer’s Assessment?

A carer’s assessment looks at your needs as a carer and the impact of your caring role, including the practical and emotional support you provide. The assessment helps you to identify whether you are able and willing to provide care now and in the future. The assessment also considers the impact on activities outside of the care you provide such as your work, education, training and other activities as well as your mental and physical health. A carer’s assessment is a discussion between you and a trained person either from the Carers Trust Solihull who are commissioned to carry out this work or the Local Authority. 

Support Plan

If the assessment process identifies you have eligible needs, you and your assessor will draw up a support plan detailing how these needs will be met including any services that may need to be provided to you. 

Parent Carers of Disabled Children

Parents caring for a disabled child can also receive support as a carer through the Children and Families Act 2014. This act amends the Children Act 1989 requiring local councils to assess parent carers on the appearance of need or where an assessment is requested by the parent. This is a different assessment from the Carers Assessment and is called a Parent Carers needs assessment. 

The local Authority has commissioned Carers Trust Solihull to support Parent Carers that have a child under 18 years old and who have a formal diagnosis to receive an assessment. 

To request more information contact us to speak to our parent carer specialists.  

Carers UK Factsheet

Preparing For Your Carer’s Assessment

If you have arranged to have a carer’s assessment of your needs, give yourself plenty of time to think about your role as a carer and note your thoughts down. 

You might consider: 

  • Are there any risks to your caring role 
  • Does your caring role affect your own health and how can this be better managed? 
  • Whether being a carer affects your relationships with other people, including family and friends 
  • If you are in paid work, whether being a carer causes problems at your work (such as often being late) 
  • If you would like more time to yourself so that you can have a rest or enjoy some leisure activity 
  • If you would like to do some training, voluntary work or paid work 
  • Whether you want to continue being a carer and if yes what changes would make your life easier 

If you would like more information about the Carers assessment and/or would like to receive either a Carer’s assessment OR a Parent Carer assessment, please call us and we will be happy to help. 

adult carer

Related My Rights, Adult Carer, Health, Young Adult Carer, Young Carer

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