Solihull College gets a lesson from Young Adult Carers

Two of our young adult carers -and students at Solihull College – worked by themselves to devise and deliver a training workshop about the struggles of caring while in education. Usually delivering any workshop or presentation would be nerve-racking but when you do it in front of your peers; that’s a whole different level of pressure. Yet, they handled it wonderfully.

First, they delivered it to their tutors on 27th June, and then support staff on 6th July. On both occasions they and their presentation were well received by all, and It provided a great insight for their staff and tutors to hear first-hand about their caring stories. 

The presentation showed more than just their caring stories however, going so far as to provide facts and information, and then an interactive quiz to give their tutors a test for a change. It was all used to show how difficult it is for young carers and young adult carers to balance their caring roles, personal lives, and education.

All attendees praised the carers for coming forward and sharing their harrowing stories. As well as highlighting further the issues and barriers that carers have to battle against on a daily basis. It all helped the attendees with increasing their ability to help identify those who may be caring someone, but have not yet identified as a carer. This all goes to increasing the awareness of everyone, so helping carers can become far easier and more acceptable practice. That is something we need more of and this event goes a long way in making it happen. 

Well done!

Related Young Adult Carer, Education