Quizzing For A Cause: Local Businesses Raise Over £2,000 for Carers
Here at Carers Trust Solihull, we are constantly looking for new ways to grow not only our presence in the community but also the recognition of unpaid carers within Solihull. Earlier in the year, the return of our Charity Ball and Carers Friendly Awards was a resounding success, not only in raising funds to support our work for unpaid carers but also in raising awareness of carers among businesses and organisations. Industries are out there that desperately want to contribute to charitable organisations such as ours, with more and more being made aware of the struggles facing carers. We are fortunate enough to know some incredibly wonderful organisations in a multitude of industries, intending to reduce those struggles and support the carers of Solihull.Â
On Friday 27th September at Shirley Golf Club, it was those incredible people and businesses that came out to show their support for our Charity Quiz! It was a fantastic opportunity to share and spread the awareness of the work we do but also what more needs to be done, to increase support of carers within the community.
Solihull Council has been instrumental in the push of local businesses supporting local charities and causes. With that, we received tremendous sponsorship from Belmont at Home, Shirley Round Table, Avery Group (Knowles Gate, Birchmere House, Birchmere Mews Care Homes), and UB Healthcare who have been supporting us in a multitude of ways since making us their charity of the year, with the evening attracted an astounding 80 participants. Each participant generously paid an entry fee and contributed extra donations to support our work, as well as took part in the raffle with prizes graciously donated by our by local businesses.
All together we raised an astonishing £2,224,25!
We can’t send enough thanks to everyone in attendance who helped make it an unforgettable night – especially with some of the team names they came up with, including, Taking care of Quizness, Quizzy McQuizfaces, and Would the owner of a black Skoda report to reception, and grand prize winners of £250 The Smartinis! Upon receiving their prize, graciosuly donated by UB Healthcare, The Smartini’s donated the entire £250 back to carers and Carers Trust Solihull. Incredible!
Everyone there had a tremendous evening, and we hope in the future you can join in the fun with us, and to all those on the night, can’t wait to see you again!Â
Thank you to everyone for taking part and showing your appreciation for all we do, and recognising all our carers do. We hope this emphasises just how varied and widespread the support for carers is becoming, not just from businesses and the people within them, but also local individuals who want to do their part.
The quiz night is another method for us to engage with those who want to do more, and local businesses who want to help make carers more prominent in our society. Our quizzes, charity balls and awards, public pop-ups and information stands, charity walks, from to blogs and social media presences. All of it is to promote and raise awareness of carers within Solihull and having such dedicated and prominent local businesses to support us in that, emphasises to all carers that help is out there. Thanks to events like this and all we do, that help is growing and becoming more aware of you and all you do.