Supporting Carers in Health Settings

Health settings are best placed to identify carers and refer them to the support they need.
adult carer

There are around 5.4 million carers in England

Your patients, if accompanied by someone, is likely to be their carer in some sort of capacity. They may not consider themselves as carers as many people think that it is all part of looking after their family or friend, this is what they do, or it’s normal. Take some time to ask them how they are coping and let them know that there is a service that can specifically support them. This also applies to young carers, if an adult patient is accompanied by a child. Think Patient, Think Carer.

Professionals stories

It is vital that carers of all ages are identified and understood in healthcare settings so that they can get access to the support they need. We develop connections with GP surgeries, hospitals, and other health professionals including school nurses to spread awareness of the needs of carers and how professionals in these settings can Think Patient – Think Carer
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We can help you to support carers?

One of the major challenges for us is reaching unpaid and hidden carers to let them know about the support available to them. We know that health settings are well placed to help us achieve this.
As well as helping carers to maintain their own health and wellbeing, our aim is to have a positive impact on those they care for, possibly easing hospital admission and failed discharge or preventing the breakdown of the caring role.
We are a resource here for health professionals too.

adult carer


How can we identify carers in health settings?

We know from experience that health settings are an ideal location to achieve this. A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid. If you have a patient that needs help then it is highly likely that they have someone caring for them.

How can we support carers?

We asked carers and they said.
  • Recognise and respect me as a carer
  • Ensure information is shared with me and other professionals
  • Signpost information for me and help link professionals together
  • Flexible care, available to suit me and the person I care for
  • Recognise that I also may need help both in my caring role and in maintaining my own health and well-being
  • Respect, involve and treat me as an expert in care
  • Treat me with dignity and compassion

    Can children be carers?

    Yes, children can be young carers. Young carers range from the age of 5 upwards.

    register a carer

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