Carers Talk: The ultimate podcast for carers

Carers Talk Podcast FI

Carers Trust Solihull hold a variety of in-person meet-ups and sessions for carers on a variety of topics. However, feedback shows that although these sessions are useful and informative, many found it hard to attend in person due to their caring role. This meant that many carers were often missing out on information and resources that could support them.

That’s why we decided to create and launch our very own podcast: Carers Talk.

What is a podcast?

For those who don’t know, a podcast is like a radio show but instead of it broadcasting live, you have control when you listen to it. You can pause it, you can fast forward, rewind, save it for later, and for those of you with hearing issues we even have closed captions for you to follow along too. If you have 5 minutes of free time then you can listen for 5 minutes, pause, and then come back later when you get more free time; picking up right where you left off. No matter what, it will always be there waiting for you.

What makes Carers Talk different?

Carers Talk isn’t going to replace carers’ meet ups, we see it as a chance for carers to have access to vital information in a more accessible way – a carers meetup in your pocket.

We have also featured and will be featuring more carers on the show, so they can share their caring stories. They share their tips, tricks, how you can get help and how they managed specific problems which arose that only a carer would think about, and then how they overcome them.

In fact, a carers story was the very first episode of Carers Talk, and from there we have covered Wills, Power of Attorney, and how to save money on your energy bill. As you can see, we are sticking to the topics that carers ask about and want to learn more about. Now you can whenever you want, wherever you are, however you choose. 

How can I listen to or watch Carers Talk?

Carers Talk will upload a new episode at the end of every month, It is available on a wide range of platforms, and we have made it as accessible as possible, so you can listen however you want to. Not only can you listen, but you can also watch Carers Talk on YouTube. We aim to make our episodes as accessible as possible and from episode 3 onwards we have created custom captions to assure accuracy. If you have any further suggestions how we can improve the podcast please get in touch.

All services and platforms listed below are free, some of you might even use them already. You can access them on your computer, laptop, tablet, and phone, directly in your internet browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.) or you can download the services’ app directly to your device. If you have a smart speaker such as an Amazon Echo, then you can ask Alexa “Hey Alexa, play Carers Talk podcast”.

If you don’t want to use any of these services, then you can also listen or watch directly from our website by clicking News & Media in the top menu, or go right to it by clicking here.

What episodes have been released so far?

Episode Guide

Hazel Carter shares her story caring for her husband suffering from Motor Neurone Disease. In our first episode we will be speaking with award-winning author, Hazel Carter. Hazel shares her journey as a carer for her husband, Alan, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.

This experience led Hazel to writing her book; ‘Life’s Good, It’s the disease that’s the problem’. Hazel sat down and explained her journey, her struggles, her caring role, and current mission to highlight issues and struggles of carers and the cared for. She now campaigns and gives talks to raise awareness of the impact of MND, as well as volunteering at Marie Curie Hospice Solihull, while also raising funds for MND Association, Marie Curie, and Myton Hospices.

You can find Hazel’s book at: All proceeds go to charity.

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