We are very excited to let you know about the launch of our new podcast Carers Talk. Every month we will bring advice, information, talks from professionals, and carers stories.
The aim of the podcast is to make information and support more accessible to carers in the community. We know that many carers can be too busy with their caring role to attend our training sessions or meet ups, and others struggle to attend as they cannot leave the person they care for or have other commitments.Â
Through working with carers for over 20 years we have met some extraordinary individuals who have given up so much to support their loved ones. Many have shared they feel it is a privilege to care – that through caring they have learned more about themselves and are grateful for the special moments with person they care for.
However, as much as caring can be a positive experience, we also know it can bring many struggles and challenges; financial strains; negative impacts on physical and mental health; the lack of respite time, and most often the loneliness – when you feel no one quite understands what you are going through.
This often means that carers miss out on support and information that could help them in their caring role. Carers have repeatedly expressed how useful and great it is to meet other carers at our social meetups; to share their experiences and how it helps them to feel less alone. Therefore, we wanted to create something where we could make the information, support, and connections come to you. Like a monthly support group in your pocket that you can listen to at a time that’s best for you. Whether that’s walking the dog or when you have time at home with a cup of tea. Through the podcast we hope that you too can feel connected to support and other carers in the community.
Although it is early days in our podcast journey, we are excited for the episodes we have coming up where we speak to a range of professionals covering topics such as wills and power of attorney; emergency planning; dementia; care cost, and health and wellbeing. We will also be speaking with carers discussing difficulties they have faced and what support they have received.
Our first episode is already live and in it we spoke with Hazel Carter, a carer for her husband who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. Hazel shared her story and experiences with being thrust into the role of carer.
We know that getting the right support at the right time can make a big difference when you are on your caring journey. We hope you tune in and join us. Our podcast will be published the last week of the month and you can listen to it on various platforms. Make sure you follow and subscribe to get notified of when we upload.Â
Click the logo of your choice below to be taken to that platform where you can subscribe and follow us, or listen to the first episode using the embedded player below.
If you have any ideas of what topics you would like covered in our episodes, or are interested in sharing your story, then please email Michelle Stoddard at michellestoddard@solihullcarers.org.