Carers Charity Walk 2024

It is that time of year again when we come together for our annual charity walk to raise funds for unpaid carers in Solihull. This year is special as it marks the 50th anniversary of Carers Trust, and to celebrate we are joining forces with Carers Trust Heart of England for this year’s walk, which kicks of Carers Week 2024.

The 4-mile walk will take place around the beautiful Packington Estate on Sunday 9th June. Families, groups of friends and individuals of all fitness levels are all invited to come along and participate. There is also a short ¾ mile walk which is wheelchair and pushchair friendly. Well-behaved dogs on leads are also welcome. 

Pauline Manby, our Fundraising Manager, commented “I am thrilled to bring together two outstanding Award-Winning charities to mark the 2024 Carers Walk. This has never been done before and really does bring people together from different regions, to not only walk together, raise funds and awareness, but also to celebrate our unsung heroes.

Where to meet: St James Church, Great Packington, CV7 7HE (access via East gate). If you are using what three words, follow: traps.scores.drill 

Arrival & Registration: Time – 9.15am please arrive in enough time to register and pay before the walk begins. The walk begins at 10am.  

Cost: £8 in advance or £10 on the day. Under 16’s free. You can choose to pay in advance when registering  

All registering participants will be given a free event t-shirt.  

Registration is essential so please make sure to let us know you will be attending by clicking HERE.

We are encouraging everyone if possible to get sponsored for taking part in the walk. Suggested target £50 but any amount counts! You can download a sponsorship form HERE.

Carers Charity Walk Flyer

This year’s Carers Week theme is “Putting Carers on the Map” highlighting the need to increase the visibility of the carers and the invaluable contribution they make in our community. Solihull has more than 20,000 unpaid carers, thousands of which use our service for information and support. We are holding a variety of activities during carers week and you can find out more on our Carers Week Page.

We encourage everyone to join us on the day and kick off Carers Week 2024. We would also like to thank UB Healthcare for sponsoring this event and for their continued and unwavering support of Carers Trust Solihull and unpaid carers. 

United we stand, together we walk!

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