Become a young carer peer mentor

When you’re a young carer it’s not quite like anything else. While other people your age are worrying about school and things like SATS, or which friends house they’re going to be staying over at after school – to young carers, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Some, before they’ve even gone to secondary school are already little professionals in measuring and administering medicines. They already understand the inner-workings of a vacuum cleaner, how to cook full meals, and can even manage finances. So much is expected of them at such a young age and they carry so much responsibility on their shoulders. 

So why do they do it?

They care. 

They care about their siblings; parents; grandparents; friends; neighbours; everyone really. Yet the ones they they seem to forget about caring for is themselves. With balancing all their caring responsibilities, school life, trying to have a social life and to just love being young, sometimes they need help. 

We are Carers Trust Solihull do all we can to help all of our carers and young carers are no exception. They enjoy events and activities, days out, sometimes weekends and holidays away, but we also have our peer mentoring scheme. That’s where you, the older carers come in.

You’ve been where the young carers are and gone through what they’re now learning to manage. You have a wealth of knowledge and experience that only carers like you can share and teach. So, we need you. 

Become a peer mentor and help show the young carers how you did it and share your experiences with them. You know how tough it can be and how being isolated from friends, school, and social life can have such a damaging effect on your health. Some of you may have even had your our mentor when you were a young carer, and they helped you learn, cope, manage, and get through those tough times. Now the next generation of young carers are looking for that same help and only you have the ‘right stuff’ to make that happen. 

When you join and become a peer mentor you will receive all the training you need to help you express everything you know, to help as many young carers as you can. Becoming a peer mentor will provide you with an amazing opportunity to learn some new skills for yourself too. All of which can be added to your record of achievements, such as your CV, to really show people just how amazing you are and the wide array of talents you have. 

If you would like to be a peer mentor or to find out more about what it means to be one then get in touch.

We are here to help you, to help them. 

Thank you. 

Contact Rommelyn Jones and she will tell you everything you need to know. 


Phone: 0121 788 1143 

Mobile: 07514 495761

Related Young Carer, Training & Work, Volunteering

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Packed with events, activities, and information for carers of all ages.