supporting carers in education

Educational settings are best placed to identify and support the needs of young carers.
professional education
professional education
professional education

How can we support carers in education?

Young carers face particular challenges that impact their opportunities to learn. The Young Carers in Schools program aims to create and achieve a school-wide approach to supporting carers. The award provides all the tools you need to support carers in education.

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What is the award?

Each award is built on 5 standards devised from feedback from young carers:

1. UNDERSTAND: There are assigned members of staff with responsibility for understanding and addressing young carers needs

2. INFORM: Awareness is raised by sharing knowledge about disability, illness and young carers throughout the school

3. IDENTIFY: Young carers are being identified within your school

4. LISTEN: They are listened to, consulted with and given time and space to talk

5. SUPPORT:Young carers are supported within the school, and signposted to whole family resources and services outside the school.

professional education
adult carers

Professionals stories

Schools are ideally placed to identify and refer young and young adult carers to Carers Trust Solihull. Depending on the number of carers you have in your school or college would determine the amount of support you would offer. Below are some stories of how carers are supported in these educational settings.


Carers Rights Day 2024

What do you want to learn? Share with us your ideas & suggestions

Online learning for carers: Our next steps


Warwick University researching Young Adult Carers
